Growth: slow and steady Growth is a tale best told by time and two design interactions. There’s so much more to experience and learn; I’m excited to see where it takes me.
Let it go Failed relationships aren't always about walking away from people. Sometimes it's about walking away from the same interaction with them. If you're always yelling because someone in your life doesn't understand you. The force is found in the yelling. It's
Reducing the cost of supplies I'm always attempting various projects, so why not share what I learned along the way? I do a lot, so I'll be doing a lot. Today, let's talk about what I learned while designing a bubbler sign. Reducing the cost of supplies Have you
Power Ranger Cookie Cutter Today, let's talk about what I learned while trying to print a Power Ranger-themed cookie cutter.
It's okay to need help Coming in hot 🔥 with this week’s newsletter. Here are a few things to take with you into the weekend. Reflections You know the saying, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference?
Titus Andronicus * Director: Ian Damont Martin * My role on the project: Movement Director * Location: Haven Chicago * Year: 2020 In a society that seems increasingly plagued by senseless violence, Shakespeare's bloodiest play Titus Andronicus feels increasingly germane. When Titus returns home from a 10-year war against the Goths with their Queen
Get to the root; then bridge the gap Coming in hot 🔥 with this week's design newsletter, here are a few things to take with you into the weekend. Reflections On a walk this week, I saw construction workers redoing the front steps of a grey stone unit in the city. I don't know precisely