I like circles Hi, I'm Leon and left-handed. Nice to meet you! Lately, I've been feeling free of the "fog" that has been my last life. My previous ways of thinking and doing. I'm rediscovering myself and loving who I really am or have just
How starting an Etsy shop led me to build my first website I did a lot but it was fun! I had this idea, what if I sold random items in an Etsy shop? First, I needed to figure out how I was going to get random items. After digging through dropshipping rabbit holes, I discovered that I could use websites like
Book Report: 'Zero to One, Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future' Book description Written by Blake Masters and Peter Thiel, Zero to One presents a thoughtful perspective on creation, innovation, and startup life. We, as a species, know how to go from 1 to n. Some could argue that it's fairly easy for us to do so. But in
COVID-19 Infographic The Problem False information about COVID-19 and rapid policy changes make it difficult for people in Chicago to stay on top of what's new and the latest tools that are out there aiding in the fight against the spread of the outbreak. The Solution Design a social media
Gilead is not full of apologies Friendly reminder that healing from white supremacy, systemic racism, and inequality is not contingent upon an oppressor's apology or their awareness of the mistake. Healing is your right, with or without those who have caused you harm. Not only that but healing is necessary. It's more