Sublimation Graphics, or, being like my sisters
My sisters are some of my biggest inspirations. For as long as I can remember they've been the gold standard for all things bright, bold, and beautiful. There is not much that I do that I don't get from them. For example, I love to cook, that's definitely from my sister, Terya. Li'Chea and I basically have the same face. And I've spent the last couple of months designing graphics for sublimating because my sister, Shay started a small business.
In true baby brother fashion, I've yet again, found myself trying to tag along in everything my older siblings do.
I kid, I kid. 😄
No, no, I didn't create the same business as my sister, however, I did try my hand at making some graphics for sublimating your next tumbler, sippy cup, or pair of earrings.
Self-discipline may be the biggest lesson I learned from this project. Each design required the correct measurements and formatting. With Etsy as my marketplace of choice, the listings required multiple images, descriptions, accurate delivery information, and highlights. You want to set yourself apart in a marketplace like Etsy, so your shop requires some branding. I read somewhere or watch on TikTok that you should design a template for your listing's cover photo. So a design template I created. This process must be repeated for every graphic and every listing. I say all of this to say, that starting a business--even one as simple as this--requires an immense amount of self-discipline.
I had no real intention of running this business full-time or selling a ton of graphics. I simply really admire my sisters and want to be like them. 💖
You know, it's so interesting, when I take the pressure off, I'm always amazed at the person I find underneath all of the angst and fear. Not to toot my own horn but 🚂 🚂. No, in all seriousness, I think allowing myself to have a lot of fun and joy with this project opened up hidden doors within myself.....
Anyways, check out my portfolio! I don't know why I've waited so long to showcase this but here she is, boys! Here she is, world!